Back(pack) to School Contest 2017

Congratulations to Maya Morneau for winning a backpack full of school supplies valued at $100!! Thanks to mom Esin for sending in the pic and best of luck to Maya in grade 5 this year!
Thanks so much to everyone who participated, our Back(pack) to School Contest was a resounding success! Stay tuned for the next contest!

Winner announced tomorrow! Get your school shopping done ahead of time!
Still a few more hours left to enter for a chance to win a backpack full of school supplies! All you have to do "like" my Facebook page, share one of my contest posts, and submit a pic of your child wearing their backpack for a chance to win this great prize valued at $100! Contact me by email at or via messenger on Facebook.
A big thank you to Melanie for this pic of Liam, who's already completed his first day of grade 3! I wish you much success at school Liam (I love spaghetti too!)

3 kids = 3 chances to win! Thanks to client Nicole for sending in these pics of her boys with their backpacks. All the best at school this year Nicolas, Maxime and Justin!

Looking good guys! Thanks to mom (and client!) Vanessa for sending in pics of Roman, Ella and Olivia wearing their backpacks and all set for their first day of school!

Last weekend to get your pics in!!
Be sure to "like" my Facebook page, share one of my contest posts, and submit a picture of your child wearing their backpack for a chance to win $100 worth of school supplies! Contact me by email at or via messenger on Facebook! Winner will be announced on Monday.
Big thanks to client Esin for submitting these pics of her kids Magel and Maya. Best of luck at school this year!

Having your school supplies purchased ahead of time = Check!
Many thanks to clients Mark and Maryam for sending in their pics of Maui-Jayne and Avisa, respectively, for my Back(pack) to School Contest!!
For a chance to win a backpack full of school supplies valued at $100, simply "like" my Facebook page, share one of my contest posts, and submit a pic of your child wearing their school bag! You can contact me by email at or via messenger on Facebook.
Contest ends on Monday and the winner will be announced later that afternoon! Best of luck and get those pics in!

Believe it or not it's (already...) back to school season! Filled with a mix of excitement, dread, curiosity and nerves, this time of year brings above-all a great sense of pride for us as parents when the first day of school comes around. We watch our kids tie up their shoes in their cute little outfits, throw on their over-sized backpacks, and head out the front door - to catch the bus or their ride to school. It's a special moment to capture and an even better memory to look back on!
Here's your opportunity to share this memory with others for a chance to win a new backpack full of school supplies (total value of $100)! Simply "like" my Facebook page, share this post, and send me a pic of your son or daughter wearing their backpack and ready to go to school for a chance to win this great prize!
Check out my Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram pages to engage and send me the pic by email at or via messenger on Facebook!
Contest ends Monday, August 28th and the winner will be announced later that same day! Best of luck to all and great success on the school year ahead!